Thursday, April 3, 2008

Back By Popular Demand...

The TigerBlog is back after an extended absence.

Call it a five-month stay on the disabled list. Call it a vacation. Call it an extended break. Call it whatever you'd like, but I haven't posted an ETBU sports blog since Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2007, titled "Media Guides."

A funny thing happened on the way down the blogosphere path -- basketball season started. Next thing I know spring is just around the corner and I found myself at the terrifying moment I face every year but it always seems to sneak up on me nevertheless: the intersection of seasons, meaning basketball always runs into baseball and softball.

I call it "The Perfect Storm."

But as the calendar has returned to April I finally feel my legs underneath me again for the first time in months. The air is fresher, the skies are clearer, the flowers are blooming... the keyboard is calling me again. Such is the life of a sports information director.

I have no idea how many people read or were expecting to read blogs on the old site, "ETBU TigerBlog." All I know is that I have a couple of people constantly in my ear, asking me when I'm going to post again. When I get the time, was my response 100 percent of the time, which is a bit of a laugh in and of itself.

So I'm back in the blogging business, with the aim of highlighting the ins and outs of Tiger athletics. Too much has happened since last time, and I felt the urge to start fresh. If you wish to review old posts to the old blog, here is the web address: There's some stuff on there I enjoyed, some I didn't. But it's a part of history nonetheless.

Enjoy the blog, and once again, Go Tigers.

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